Cheap halloween costumes for women sexy Headline Animator

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Halloween Costumes - Make Your Own

Do you think that market Halloween costumes are getting a bit pricey these days? Well why not have some fun and make your own?

[b]Halloween Costumes[/b]

The ghost: Take an old white sheet and hang it over the "ghost's" head. Make sure it drapes nicely and mark where you want the eyes and mouth to be. If the sheet is so long that the wearer may trip, hem the bottom or pin it up with security pins. Cut slits for the eyes and mouth. You can leave it at that or let your imagination run riot. Your ghost can wear makeup or facial hair or be decorated with small cut out ghosts or stars or whatever you want.

The witch or wizard: For one of the most popular Halloween costumes a black cloak would be primary but any colour would be fine. Get a distance of material and just sew a distance of ribbon colse to the top to tie colse to the neck. You can cut slits for the arms too and bind them with the same ribbon to stop fraying. Wear the cloak over the same coloured jeans and t-shirt.

The hat is verily good fun to make. Using quite stiff but bendable card, cut a hole the size of the wearer's head plus a small bit, then cut an additional one circle about 1.5 inches covering the first one. For the tall pointed bit of the hat, mark an arc over the angle of the card the same distance as the circumference of the wearer's head and cut along it. Bend the card determined and glue the long side. Bend up the inner edge of the circular piece and glue inside the open end of the hat.

Cut a piece of organery cane to about twelve inches in length, spray paint black with a red or white end and you have a wand.

The devil: Red jersey material is great for a devil's outfit as it doesn't fray. Make a skirt or trousers with an elasticated waist. For best consequent cut the hem into points. Wear with a red or black top. Add a cape if you wish, made as for the witch or wizard. To make a tail, use some of the red material to make a tail shape with an arrow head end. Stuff it with old tights and attach it to a belt or a piece of ribbon to tie round the waist. Buy a set of horns and a pitchfork to unblemished the ensemble.

There are lots more Halloween costumes that you can make for very wee money but it's worth investing in some dressing up makeup to add the finishing touches to your ghoulish fun.

Halloween Costumes - Make Your Own

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